Bianca's Resume

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Summary of Skills

2 - 3 years

  • AWS, Google Cloud
  • Kubernetes/Minikube
  • SQL (mainly PostgreSQL)
  • JavaScript (Angular, React, Vue)
  • Django Rest Framework
  • CI Testing: Jenkins, PyTest, Zuul

4 - 5 years

  • Ansible (Core + Controller)
  • Python
  • Git
  • Bash
  • Linux
  • Docker

6+ years

  • Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
  • Public Speaking
  • Customer Engagement
  • Project Management



API/Backend Software Developer

  • Developing, testing, and delivering customer-focused enhancements, features, and command-line tools, mostly working with Python but also learning and utilizing other languages (e.g., Rust, C, JavaScript) per the particular needs of the project;
  • Working closely with the technical support and quality assurance (QA) teams to identify and deliver improvements to the CI/CD testing system;
  • Contributing to open source repositories via Git as well as having familiarity with code submission, review, and merging processes while adhering to Agile methodologies and practices;
  • Troubleshooting customer-reported issues, guiding in-house bug reproduction, determining root causes, describing problems in detail to teammates as well as customers, and pushing fixes to resolve issues;
  • Curating and updating Critical Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs);
  • Producing technically-focused content in the form of webinars, tutorials, talks, videos, blog posts and reference architecture/code for use in sales and technical enablement within the company and for the public at large;
  • Writing and presenting enhancement proposals and technical documentation to showcase and explain recently-implemented software features as well as instructing hands-on labs and classes.





Software Engineer III - Conda Distro, Anaconda Inc.

December 2021 – present; US Remote



Software Engineer - Ansible Controller API/Backend, Red Hat

February 2019 – November 2021; Durham, NC

Sr. Product Field Engineer - Red Hat Ansible

June 2017 – January 2019; Durham, NC




University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL

Bachelor of Arts in English, Magna Cum Laude


GitHub Metrics

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